Due to COVID-19, the 2020 Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) was virtually held online, from Aug 3rd to Aug 6th, 2020. PESGM is the largest and the best power system conference over the globe. The theme of the 2020 PESGM is: "Are Big Data, Machine Learning and Electric Transportation Transforming the Grid?”.

This year Dr. Yu Liu served as the chair of the panel session "State Estimation for Power Electronics-Dominated Systems: Challenges and Solutions". In this session, Dr. Yu Liu also gave a talk entitled "Fault Location on HVDC Transmission Lines Using Dynamic State Estimation", in which he talked about specific challenges of fault location on transmission lines in MMC-HVDC grids using Dyanmic State Estimation methods, and solutions to alleviate the challenges.

In addition, this year PSPAL has 5 peer-reviewed conference papers accepted for publications in PESGM2020, four of which are accomplished by students in PSPAL as the first authors (Mr. Binglin Wang, Mr. Dayou Lu, Mr. Yixiong Jia, and Mr. Dian Lu) and Dr. Yu Liu as the corresponding author. These four papers are orally presented by the first-author students on the online system.